Wanna break your hair off? Do you want a line across your hair where it just snaps right off? Do you want your hair to be more frizzy? Well here's how to achieve such a look!
Everyone is doing it! For all you lazy people this summer that wanna straighten some curl. Or maybe it's just to hot to blow dry! Let's get to some serious hair breakage! Comb that dripping wet hair back into the tightest pony tail holder you can find and wrap that puppy around so tight that your eyebrow touch your ears!
Seriously though.. Here's why this is BAD! Your hair had a hydrogen bond in it that is broken when your hair is wet. This is why when your hair is wet it seems longer. Wet hair is also in a more fragile state. It's stretchy. Next time your hair is wet and you are coming through it.. take one of those hairs that you shed and stretch it! eventually you can stretch it to the point that is will snap. The ammount of stretch that your hair can handle is determined by your texture and damage. This is called your elasticity. When your hair dries that bond hardens and your hair "shrinks".
So what happens when you tie it back wet is this... Your hair is trying to shrink but the pony holder is holding it in that unnatural position. Science does it's job shrinking the hair back up causing your hair to break because the tension is too great. You get hundreds of broken hairs. Some by the root causing frizz and some by where the holder was. This is true for barettes and clips as well.
Remember, your hair is delicate!